BOOK TITLE: What’s Your Story
AUTHOR: Sankalp Kohli
GENRE: Non - Fiction
FORMAT: Digital
HOW I GOT THIS BOOK: The author sent me a Kindle copy in exchange for a quick and honest review!
"Captivating tête-à-têtes... conclusive sales pitch... impressive business plans... successful job interviews... exciting presentations... they all involve people.
Your triumph or failure, here, is a function of how deep your impact was.
For a storyteller, creating an impact can be as easy as striking a conservation, but for those unaware of this prowess it can be as difficult as putting a man on moon.
People around the world have been increasingly using stories to mesmerize and influence their audiences.
Storytelling is not a science, it's an art. Only and only practice can help you master it.
'What's Your Story' delves into the world of stories and offers key mantras of storytelling to the readers.
A must read for budding managers, entrepreneurs, engineers, leaders, authors and CEOs.
'Next time you want to create an impact? Go ahead, tell a story.'
The book of stories and storytelling – not unheard of, but definitely piqued my interest.
The book’s cover was a riot of colours. With images of colourful balloons and the title given in a collage of colours, it is difficult not to notice it when browsing through books either online or in a bookstore.
The summary seemed eye catching and the book is very short, making it a quick read.
What I expected in a book about storytelling:
- Tips on writing stories, or making them better sounding
- A motivational boost for budding storytellers
- And maybe some account of how people who had written stories that went on to become famous.
- A book that convinces you that everyone has it in them to be storytellers
- Interesting anecdotes about people who found success with their ability to tell stories instead of boring facts
- The author’s personal experiences in storytelling and his success following that
The book is a good read – one that shows you how effective stories are when compared to facts. It does not necessarily show you how to tell a god story. It tells you how good stories can make you successful. It does not emphasize on what makes a story interesting. Rather, it talks about how interesting stories can make a great impact.
- The title, the cover and the length of the book
- The chapter divisions are sensible and follow a good sequence
- The book had many anecdotes, most of them interesting. But a few more about how to tell a story effectively could have been welcome
- The language needs a little more work in some places. And some (very few) unnecessary pauses and phrase breaks could have been avoided
A book on storytelling and its effects. Why not?
RATING: 3.5/5
Born and brought up in Kanpur, Sankalp is a MBA Graduate from NMIMS, Mumbai. An entrepreneurial soul with an imprint of a perfectionist, he is a workaholic who believes in turning every single moment of life into something more constructive and fruitful.
He is a person who holds his parents above all, especially his mother. All his dreams and aspirations are driven by one belief--that of making his parents proud.
His earlier works with the pen, in the form of 'Because…Every Raindrop is a HOPE' and 'When I Found You, I Found Myself' has resonated loudly with his readers. With his third book, 'Hackster' he has ventured into a new genre where his contemporary and provocative self, comes alive in a sci-fi thriller.
On a professional front, Sankalp is a Self-Driven Management professional and a storyteller with over four years of managerial experience and around 4 GB of stories from the corporate world. His success in the corporate world is a direct function of his storytelling skills.
When out of office, he is mostly chasing his dream of creating an impact in the world. He has a strong belief that, writing and storytelling, if understood properly, can act as a very powerful tool for budding engineers, managers and entrepreneurs of India. An Ex-speaker at IIMs and IITs, he has conducted various highly interactive events and seminars on 'How to Lead with a Story' and 'The Art of Storytelling' in colleges across India.
He is currently working on a venture which aims at making use of stories in teaching. Armed with the thought of bringing about a change in the education industry of India, he continues his uphill journey with profound faith.
BOOK LINKS:'s%20your%20story&qid=1448038784&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1
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