'Fevers' by Joel Homer:
Publisher-ebook: Zac Homer, (April 20, 2014)
Publisher-Print: Bantam
Category: Action/Adventure, Suspense/Thriller, Some Romance
Tour Date: May/June, 2015
Available in: Print & ebook, 261 Pages
FEVERS is a novel unlike any you have ever read. Exotic adventure, white knuckled suspense, torrid romance, and a haunting portrait of three damaged individuals – one man who has turned beast, one who must confront the beast within himself, and the woman torn between them.
Rio de Janeiro. 1984.
There are rumors that somewhere deep in the steamy rainforest of the Amazon a man, once civilized, is hiding in green shadows. To the primitive Brazilian Indios, he is considered their long-awaited "pale-skinned messiah." Others believe he is an evil god with powers to stir the native masses to a frenzied, killing pitch. And others suspect he might be Michael Fevers.
Into the lush tropics comes a troubled American, rebellious journalist, embittered Vietnam vet, desperate soldier of fortune. William Straw, who soon forms an uneasy alliance with a beautiful anthropologist, continues his tortured upriver journey-from jungle shantytown to opulent plantation, from explosive passion to brutal murder. Whether he is pursuing a story, an adventure, or a chance to finally exorcise his own inner demons, nothing will prepare William Straw for the sudden violence and bizarre cruelty of the one who is waiting ahead -- Michael Fevers.
Some books are engrossing in their summary, some in their title. Some books lead you to believe that the title points to something while the intended meaning is something else. Fevers checks all the above.
Set in the Amazon Rainforest, the location, scenes and characters are exotic, much aided by the sparkling visual description. From describing the characters to the scene setting, Joel Homers does complete justice to the story, even erring on the side of excess prose. The premise of story is about the arrival of a Messiah - or the misguided belief of a folklore that promises such a deliverer. The political climate and the tension is brought out in well written, sequenced prose.
Some scenes stood out in memory, like the iguana that was eaten alive by ants - and other such symbolic metaphors. Emphasising much on the plot would ruin the suspense of the story, but it will suffice to say a troubled hero who is fighting his inner demons and a ruthless opponent who stops at nothing is a combination that always works for thrillers. William Straw is every bit a representation of the good and evil present inside every man and his survival is more about his situations and skill than his fate.
The plot moves smoothly enough with enough twists to be a page turner. But for new readers, the description is slightly tedious. It also adheres to the summary given and is racy enough in some parts to keep the reader at the edge of their seat. For exotic adventure thriller lovers, this book will interest you. Give it a read!
Praise for 'Fevers' by Joel Homer:
"Very engrossing novel. It felt a bit like reading a modern version of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. The plot moves quickly and smoothly. The excitement never ends."- Gerald Loev, Amazon Reviewer
About Joel Homer:

Joel Homer was raised in Greenwich Village, attended New York University and was a medal-winning veteran from the Vietnam war. Upon returning to the states, he began his writing career as a senior editor at Saturday Review.
His books include "Marathons" and "Jargon." His produced plays include "Scenes Dedicated to My Brother," "What People Do When They're All Alone," and "The Lieutenant Snuffs the Light." In 1984 he was the first recipient of the prestigious Glickman Award for playwriting. His last play 'Private Scenes" was a huge hit in San Francisco. While working in Los Angeles, he co-wrote the original script for "Beauty and the Beast" for EuroDisney....to date the most popular stage play in Disney's history.
Joel Homer passed away in 2003 at the age of 58.
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